Two Common Injuries and How to Treat them?

When we overuse any of our organs, it gets injured. Muscle pull, plantar fasciitis, ankle strain, wrist fracture are some of the commonest injuries. In this article, we will discuss two of these most common injuries. The first one is plantar fasciitis and the other is ankle strain. Both of these are mostly seen in sportspeople.

What is Plantar Fasciitis? 

Plantar fasciitis is a serious medical condition where you feel severe pain in your heels. The plantar fascia is a ligament that connects our heels to our toes. It has a web-like structure and it supports the arch of our foot, thus helping us to walk properly. This ligament tolerates a lot of pressure during our daily life. The more we talk, the ligaments feel more pressure. When the ligament fails to take the pressure, it gets damaged. Plantar fasciitis is a very common orthopedic condition. If you have this issue, you will feel inflammation and stiffness in your heels.

How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis?

If you want to follow home remedies, you can apply ice and use braces to support your foot. You also need anti-inflammatory medicines and a lot of rest. Special therapies can also ease your condition and give you relief from the pain. If the pain is still felt, you can take injections after consulting with a doctor. In some cases, surgery is a must to heal the ligament. You must find the best clinic to treat your plantar fasciitis VA.



What is an Ankle Strain?

Ankle strain is another very common injury that is caused when our ankle muscle is stretched beyond its limit. There are two types of ankle strains, chronic and acute. When we overuse our ankle, the muscles and tendon gets damaged and we feel severe pain.

How to Treat Ankle Strain?

Ankle strain treatment depends on the severity of your injury. If you have a minor injury, it can be treated with home remedies. You can apply ice, elevate your foot, or compress it to heal your pain. Plenty of rest is also needed for natural healing. For some serious injuries, you must consult an orthopedic. Some therapies and exercises may ease your pain. If the pain increases day by day, surgery is the only option.


Injuries can occur anytime. That is why; we must stay alert and conscious all the time. These are some common injuries that can happen at any time. So, avoid risks and take care of yourself.


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